Honor your hero with thoughts, memories, images and stories.
I am the father of Pfc. Timothy J. Seamans. I remember when Tim told me he was joining the Army and I asked why? What is wrong with the Navy after all I spent 20 years with them. Tim said; Dad if I go in the Navy they go to sea for 6 - 7 months and you don't get any sex. I said; are you crazy you are joining the Army and you will be going to Iraq their will be no sex at least for 1 year in the Navy we make port visits and then you can get all the sex you want ha! ha! When he went to swear in at MEPS I asked him do you know what you are doing that if you do this you do it without any mental reservation and that you are going to Iraq and I don't want to lose my son. He said; Dad don't jinx me and turned to CDR Burrows his former NJROTC Director and said; I am ready to take the Oath of Enlistment. I knew then that Tim was no longer a young boy, but now a young man. I could not have been anymore proud of him that day. I miss him so... much!