Honor your hero with thoughts, memories, images and stories.
"Each of these heroes stands in the unbroken line of patriots who have dared to die that freedom might live and grow and increase in its blessings." -- Franklin Delano Roosevelt Hero Stars Honors Our American Hero Spc Ryan P Jayne US Army Hometown: Corning, N.Y Ryan Jayne graduated from Corning East in 2008 where he was the recipient of the Judi McCort Memorial Scholarship for exemplifying courage, hard work, responsibility and dependability. He attended Corning Community College before joining the United States Armed Forces Ryan joined the military because he wanted to go to Afghanistan. He hoped to save some money and return back to Corning and start a business. He had a smile that would light up a room. Ryan loved his hometown and his family very much. He was the biggest cheerleader for his seven younger brothers and sisters. Ryan first and foremost had a love of family. He wanted to be a part of every family event. He was always the biggest fan of any of his brothers. No matter what sport was being played, he found himself a front row seat and cheered louder and prouder than anyone else. He was a huge Dallas Cowboys fan and couldn't wait for the start of each season. His pride and joy was the Monte Carlo SS that he was restoring. He took great pride in each and every detail. Ryan loved to laugh, loved to make others smile, and could light up a room with his own smile. Army Spc. Ryan P. Jayne 22, Serving During Operation Enduring Freedom assigned to 178th Engineer Battalion, 412th Theater Engineer Command, U.S. Army Reserve, Oswego, N.Y.; died Nov. 3, 2012 of wounds caused by an improvised explosive device in Paktia province, Afghanistan. He was on his second deployment when he was killed. Army Reservists from upstate New York Staff Sgt. Dain T. Venne and Spc. Brett E. Gornewicz were also killed in the incident. Ryan is greatly missed. Let the memory of Ryan P Jayne be with us forever....