Booker  robert

PVT Robert D. Booker

  • Branch: Army
  • Hometown/City: , NE
  • Date of Birth: 07-11-1920
  • Date of Death: 04-09-1943
  • Conflict: WWII
  • Unit: 133rd Infantry Regiment, 34th Infantry Division
  • Port/Base:

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  • Booker  robert d

    Robert D. Booker

    Courtesy of,
  • Medal of honor 2

    Medal of Honor

    Service: Army

    Division: 34th Infantry Division

    War Department, General Orders No. 34, April 25, 1944

    The President of the United States of America, in the name of Congress, takes pride in presenting the Medal of Honor (Posthumously) to Private Robert D. Booker, United States Army, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at risk of life above and beyond the call of duty in action while serving with Company B, 133d Infantry Regiment, 34th Infantry Division. On 9 April 1943 in the vicinity of Fondouk, Tunisia, Private Booker, while engaged in action against the enemy, carried a light machinegun and a box of ammunition over 200 yards of open ground. He continued to advance despite the fact that two enemy machineguns and several mortars were using him as an individual target. Although enemy artillery also began to register on him, upon reaching his objective he immediately commenced firing. After being wounded he silenced one enemy machinegun and was beginning to fire at the other when he received a second mortal wound. With his last remaining strength he encouraged the members of his squad and directed their fire. Private Booker acted without regard for his own safety. His initiative and courage against insurmountable odds are an example of the highest standard of self-sacrifice and fidelity to duty.

    Courtesy of The Hall of Valor Project,
  • Purple heart 2

    Private Robert Booker was awarded the Purple Heart for his service.
