Honor your hero with thoughts, memories, images and stories.
The day I received that knock on my door changed my WHOLE entire life forever. As soon as I saw the Chaplain I knew what they were there to tell me. My only son had been killed in action and I died that day, as well. His unit was to be out of Iraq Oct., 2006 but got extended until Feb., 2007. His 3 yrs. active duty was up Nov. 4, 2006 but he was stop-lossed. One month & two days later he was killed. Not a day goes by that he is not with me. We shared a VERY special & unique bond & for that I will be forever grateful. At least I have all of my wonderful memories left and NO ONE can ever take those away from me. I know that one day we will be re-united until then I am doing the very best I can do.