Clifford lovelace

PVT Clifford S. Lovelace

  • Branch: Army
  • Hometown/City: Ann Arbor, MI
  • Date of Birth:
  • Date of Death: 10-22-1944
  • Conflict: WWII
  • Unit: 363rd Field Artillery Battalion
  • Port/Base:

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  • Grandpa lovelace

    Clifford Scott Lovelace was born 3 June 1908 in Mikado Michigan to Charles Edward Lovelace and Elizabeth Ann Scott. He had recently served in the Michigan Air National Guard and held the rank of Captain prior to being drafted into the Army as a Private. His wife, Helen, was working with the Army to find his records and get his commission while Clifford was going through basic training, schooling and during his deployment overseas. It was my understanding that his commission came through just after he was KIA on Leyte on 22 October 1944. At the time of his death he served in the 363rd Field Artillery Battalion. Clifford left behind four young children, Charles (Chuck), Norma, James (Jim) and Betty. He resided with his family in Ann Arbor Michigan and owned a trailer park and also a service station which is now a historical landmark. Clifford was actively involved with his church and had a strong devotion to God. From the postcards he sent home during his deployment you can see his love of aircraft, his devotion to God and his intense love for his family. He was laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery.

    Tim Lovelace, Grandson
  • Thank you for your service and sacrifice you made for us in Leyte in 1944 and to know that your memory is still around gods speed and army strong.

    Landen Schipul, Great Great Grandfather