Honor your hero with thoughts, memories, images and stories.
i love you Colby and miss you dearly, cmf! please take good care of Finnigan with Hannah and Grandpa Joe. Please bless and watch over your mom she misses you. watch over Kristen and Chris, her husband, an Army man, Warrant Officer, and their daughter Kinslee Pearl! I love you son and miss you daily. dad (bpp)
What did you love most about your child?
his sense of humor and his love of life!
What was your child like in high school?
Loads of Fun and a great student who did not like the homework but was smart as a whip!
What was your Hero like as a child?
Brave, outgoing and fun!
Which hobbies or activities did your child enjoy most?
Baseball! Play Station!
Oh, CMF! How we all miss you! I know you and Finn are riding unicorns up there. I miss your antics and sense of humor. I miss your face. Kyle is now a PFC and is in his AIT. I believe a large part of his decision to serve was because of you. We all love you.